Monday, April 29, 2013

It's sink or swim time people

So, I've been thinking about blogging for a while now but never did it for several reasons. 1. I don't know how much of what I have to say would be interesting to anyone else. 2. A lot of what I say seems to be taken the wrong way unless I'm saying it directly to you so I fear hurting people's feelings. 3. I'm honest. Brutally honest. Sometimes that scares people. If I'm gonna blog, it's gonna be real. 4. People might think I'm really crazy (or finally realize that I am!) 5. I don't have a ton of extra free time and I will totally use blogging as an excuse to not do other things like laundry, dishes and reading the many books I'm currently in the middle of. I think that about sums it up. But, here I find myself. I don't know anything about all the fanciness you can do with blogs, so I'm sure my formats and frillys will change eventually.
Here's the main reason I finally jumped in the pool: I've read so many inspiring blogs from friends and there's that teiny tiny chance that maybe something I have to say might inspire someone else. I'm a helper. I'm happy helping. I wanna help you!! Along with my honesty comes boldness. Sometimes we need someone to be bold and say the things we're thinking but aren't bold enough to say. I'm good at that!
I know this is all over the place but I have so much to say! I need to find the place where you say a little something about who you are and what you do so I don't have to type it all twice. I need to figure out if I want this thing to have some sort of topic or if it's just gonna be full of randomness. I'm gonna venture to guess it'll be pretty random. Kinda like my Jack Russell with ADD. Lastly, I struggle with how much sharing is too much. Do I tell you all my personal business and hope you don't think I belong in a mental institution or do I keep it more casual, only posting when I have something profound to say? Na, that's too easy. I want to push myself out of my comfort zone with this. I want to share openly and honestly. I need to just be me. I like me. Most of the time at least. Anyway, before I just continue to ramble on, I gotta go help my mini me with some homework. Thanks for reading and hopefully I can get the logistics all figured out soon and have some cool pictures and sparkley stuff. I LOVE sparkles.


  1. I am sure you will find a lot to say and share and I am sure much of it will be inspiring, moving, touching and will be venting! I've been blogging for several years and really enjoy the friendship, the inspiration and use as my online kind of diary. Share as much or as little as you want. ....just enjoy the ride!

    Aunt Robin
    (Crafting with the Stitch Witch)

  2. you will find this to be very therapeutic with your current situation in life. be bold. don't.... oh look shiny squirrel.
